Tuesday, October 21, 2008

And when I thougth it was over...

First, I have a good news and a  funny news.

the good news is that we are still on MCI until mid november and after that we are going with Allstream for a 3 Mbps E-10 link (fingers crossed!)
the funny news is that today, Mr Ted from Terago called me and in a very nice way because he is such a nice guy, told me that the lawyers from Terago are going to do something about this small blog? Intimidation? no way, It was just a courtesy call to let me know.
Also also mentioned that if he was in my shoes he would do the same.
Maybe that is the only thing that I can believe from his whole speech.

Anyways, I told him that if he want me to delete the blog in fear of what his lawyers can do to me, he is wrong and this tiny therapeutic blog will grow over what Terago will ever imagine , freedom to speech, blogger community, internet itself cannot be silence.


Thanks Ted for your call and tell the guys they can come anytime to pickup the antenna, the plastic thing and the Ethernet switch “Milan”


Anonymous said...

For the most part my terago experience has been decent, except for the frigging nightmare of trying to get my billing sorted out properly.... The disjointed nature of their various departments makes them seem more like a massive chaotic government-owned telecomm giant rather than a small isp that should easily be able to stay on top of their shit. Yesterday my internet performance went for a dump and got so bad that our organization ground to a halt. After phoning the noc, recieving no helpful feedback or information regarding the status of my service i opened a ticket and was left waiting for that same phone call that usually never comes. Today things are marginally better and I got the 'interference' speech. Apparently a tech is coming to adjust my antenna and check line of site.

Bad news for me is that there was an internal networking issue the afternoon before this all went down (was on day off so my repair time was not instant), so after fixing that and having terago go down the next day i come across looking like an incompetent ass... Typical timing....

I haven't noticed any new buildings between us and the hub site so if the antenna is pointed wrong please, TeraGo, slap some loctite on that sucker's threaded parts so i don't have to go in at 5am for a third day in a row tomorrow....

Anonymous said...

Same poster as above.... Terago came out and fixed it and it's working great now.... never faster!

I actually got two calls back from the noc as well, which is a new one for me (first time in three tickets that i've ever had a call returned, and this time I actually got two....)

The only really crappy part about this outage was the timing.... both for me and for the business....

Didn't get a solid description as to the cause of the problem, but Terago was fairly prompt about a fix.

Anonymous said...

We are on Terago at my work. They have constant issues and no real answers. Avoid them if possible.

Anonymous said...

terago sucks ass ... out company was down again, as we are every week at one point or another. A call to terago support now just gets routed to an answer service which takes info and then says we will get a call back. We didn't get a call back.

Terago sucks ... like a black hole into which one pours money and nothing comes back, not a phone call, not even light.

Anonymous said...

Stay away from this company : auto-renewal for 36 months???? Where else do you see it these days. Customer service- trained dogs! omg!!! their legal department must be the most busy department of the whole company with such services .